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7 Tips to Writing a Blog Post That's Scannable. One of the realities of writing content for the web is
that people don't stay on any page for very long. Typically, web
surfers scan a page and determine within a few seconds if it's worth
staying on that page and reading further or if they should click away
and try the next page they can find. With that in mind, your blog posts
should be written and formatted in a way that makes them not only
visually appealing but also scannable. Make sure your visitors know
what you're writing about within a couple of seconds by following the
tips below for creating scannable blog posts:
1. Pay Attention to Titles
first thing your visitors will notice are your blog post titles. While
it's great to use clever titles sometimes, make sure you have enough
clear and concise titles, so visitors don't have to search very far to
know what your blog posts are about. Also, remember that search engines
weigh your blog post titles heavier than the content of each post, so
take some time to consider
search engine optimization when you name your blog posts.
2. Use Headings
Using the "heading"
formatting options in your blog post editor not only makes your content
scannable because it breaks it into smaller pieces with clear headlines
for each section, but search engines also weigh text published using a
"heading" format heavier than non-formatted text. Make your headings
relevant, clear and search engine friendly.
3. Make Lists
and numbered lists work equally well in turning text that could be
published as long paragraphs into easily scannable content. Use lists
whenever you can to break up long blocks of text.
4. Use Bold and Italicize - But Not Too Much
and italics work very well to draw attention to specific text within
your blog posts, but when they're overused, they become useless. Instead
of drawing attention to the most important parts of your post, they
make your post cluttered and more difficult to read.
5. Go Easy on the Links
can be very helpful in directing your readers to more information.
They're also helpful in search engine optimization because search
engines weigh linked text higher than non-linked text. However, too many
links can have a negative effect on the readability of your blog just
as too much bold or italics can. Use links but don't overuse them.
6. Use Images
are a great way to break up a text heavy blog post. They can help to
draw attention to a specific post, add color to your blog, and help with
search engine optimization. Don't use too many images though, or your
posts get cluttered and your text gets harder to read rather than
easier. Also, make sure you only use images that you have permission to publish on your blog. There are many websites that offer free photos to use on your blog. Take some time to learn about copyright and fair use laws before you publish images in your blog posts.
7. Write Short Paragraphs
posts are easiest to scan and read when paragraphs are short. In fact,
one or two sentence paragraphs are perfectly acceptable and usually
welcomed by blog visitors. Short paragraphs add white space and visual
relief to text-heavy blog posts. Remember to keep your paragraphs short.