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20 Ideas for Writing a Blog Post

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 | 1:44 AM

Now I will share 20 Ideas for Writing a Blog Post. Blog Post Suggestions for When You Can't Think of What to Write About. The more you blog, the harder it can be to come up with fresh ideas to write about. Two of the most important parts of a blog are compelling content and frequent updates. Take a look at the following blog post ideas to spark your creative juices when you can't think of what to write about. Just remember to try to apply each of these ideas appropriately to your blog topic.

1. Lists

People love lists, and just about any kind of list is bound to attract traffic. Top 10 lists, 5 things not to do, 3 reasons I love something, etc. Start with a number then take it from there.

2. How-to

People love to find easy-to-follow instructions to help them accomplish a task. Whether you want to teach your readers how to throw the perfect curve ball or how to avoid getting bitten by a mosquito, the choice is yours.

3. Reviews

You can write a review of just about anything on your blog. Take a look at the following suggestions:
  • Products
  • Websites
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
The possibilities are nearly endless. Just think of something you've tried and write about your experience and thoughts.

4. Photos

Post a photo (or photos) related to your blog topic.

5. Link Roundup

Write a post that includes a list of links to other blog posts that published great posts or to websites you like.

6. Current Events

What's going on in the world? Write a post about an interesting bit of news.

7. Tips

Write a post to share tips to help your readers accomplish something in an easier, faster or cheaper way.

8. Recommendations

Share recommendations for your favorite books, websites, movies or other "favorites" related to your blog topic.

9. Interviews

Interview a prominent figure or expert in your blog topic then publish a blog post about it.

10. Polls

Register for an account with a site like PollDaddy.com then publish a poll related to your blog topic in one of your blog posts.

11. Contests

People love to win prizes, and blog contests are a great way to drive traffic to your blog as well as encourage visitors to leave comments. Blog contests can be used to write several posts such as an announcement post, a reminder post and a winner post.

12. Blog Carnivals

Join a blog carnival (or host one yourself) then write a post about the carnival topic.

13. Podcasts

Sometimes it's easier to talk about something than it is to write about it. If that's the case, try audio blogging and post a podcast.

14. Videos

Share a video from YouTube or one of your own, or host a video blog.


Share a quote from a celebrity or prominent person in a field related to your blog topic. Be sure to cite your source!

16. Links to Interesting Content from Digg or StumbleUpon

Sometimes you can find some really interesting submissions on Digg, StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking sites. It's fun to share links to some of the best submissions related to your blog topic or of interest to your readers in one of your own blog posts.

17. Your Turn

Turn the tables and post a question or comment then ask your readers what they think about that question or comment. Your turn posts are a great way to spark a conversation.

18. Guest Posts

Ask other bloggers or experts in a field related to your blog topic to write a guest post for your blog.

19. Point/Counterpoint

A point/counterpoint post is where you present two opposing sides to an argument or issue. This type of post can even be separated into two different posts where the first presents one side of the argument and the second presents the other side.

20. Answer Reader Questions or Comments

Look back through the comments left by your readers and find any questions or statements that can be used to spark a new post.
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