Now I will share
5 Blog Post Idea Generators. 5 Cures for Blogger's Block. The longer you blog, the greater the likelihood that
you'll sit down at your computer one day with no idea what to write
about. Bloggers call that phenomenon Blogger's Block. Don't just sit
there and stare at your computer screen. Take a look at the suggestions
below to find blog post ideas and start writing!
Check Your Blog Feeds and Favorite Blogs
Find out what your favorite bloggers are talking about by reading through your daily blog subscription feeds
or visiting blogs of interest. You just might find someone talking
about a topic that sparks an idea for you to write about on your own
blog. Remember to follow the rules of blogging etiquette and give a hat
tip to the source via a link back to the original blogger's post.
Check Digg, StumbleUpon or Other Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon and are always great places to find buzzworthy news to write about on your own blog.
Check News Sites
Current events make great blog post topics. Check news sites for information on breaking stories that apply to your blog topic.
Check Yahoo! Buzz or Google Trends
Both Yahoo! and Google provide lists of the most popular search terms at any given point in time. Visit
Yahoo! Buzz or
Google Trends to learn what people are looking for. You just might get an idea for a blog post that could drive some search traffic your way!