Search engine optimization also takes time. How can you find time to
optimize each of your blog posts to maximize search traffic to them?
Hiring a search engine optimization expert to help you optimize your blog posts for search can be expensive. How can you optimize your blog posts to increase search traffic without paying a lot of money?
Fortunately, there are some tricks you can apply to every one of your blog posts, and it will take you less than 60-seconds on average to do it. Also, it won't cost you a penny!
Apply the following techniques to every blog post you write, and you'll start to see more search traffic to your blog overall. It's worth the extra minute per post in terms of the long-term traffic that can come from these simple steps.
Hiring a search engine optimization expert to help you optimize your blog posts for search can be expensive. How can you optimize your blog posts to increase search traffic without paying a lot of money?
Fortunately, there are some tricks you can apply to every one of your blog posts, and it will take you less than 60-seconds on average to do it. Also, it won't cost you a penny!
Apply the following techniques to every blog post you write, and you'll start to see more search traffic to your blog overall. It's worth the extra minute per post in terms of the long-term traffic that can come from these simple steps.
1. Use Keywords in Your Blog Post Titles
Your blog post titles should always sound natural, but whenever you can, you should include your target keyword or keyword phrase in your blog post title. Try to front-load your keyword if it sounds natural to do so. However, you should avoid duplicating your keyword in your blog post title.
Optimizing your blog post title for search engines is important to boost search traffic to your blog, but it can also negatively affect the traffic that comes to your blog from other sources. For example, people are more likely to click on a link to your blog post via Twitter, Facebook, or another social sharing tool if the blog post title is interesting and intriguing than if it's filled with keywords.
2. Write a Good Meta Description with Keywords
Many blogging applications make it easy for a blogger to write a specific meta description (found in the source code of each web page) for individual blog posts. If you have that ability, take the time to write an interesting meta description and include your keywords in it. Again, the earlier you can use your keywords and still have your meta description sound natural, the better.
When your blog post is provided in search engine results, the meta description is visible as the blurb describing the content on the page the link takes people to. You want to make sure this excerpt is compelling enough to convince people to click the link to your post and visit your blog.
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