72. Don't use session IDs (AVOID)
Like dynamic URLs, search engines don't tend to like URLs with session IDs on them. In fact, session IDs seem to cause even more problems with search engine spiders than plain dynamic URLs. The problem is that every time the spider comes to a site with session IDs it can index that site as a completely new URL - even though the content is identical. This can lead to the search engine thinking you are trying to spam them with identical content, and could even get your site banned if it got bad enough. Google guidelines now state that id= URL parameters are okay, but that doesn't mean that other search engines won't choke on them.73. Don't rely on AdSense to boost your rankings (AVOID)
AdSense is a way to earn money on your website. But contrary to popular believe, having AdSense ads won't improve your ranking in search engines, even Google. They won't hurt your rankings either. It's perfectly fine to use them, but don't expect them to improve your search rankings.74. Don't rely on AdWords to boost your rankings (AVOID)
AdWords is a way to advertise your sites on Google. While you can pay to get high rankings in advertising venues, having an AdWords account won't help your rankings in natural (non-paid) search, even in Google. It won't hurt your rankings either. You can use AdWords to get more clicks to your website, but they will appear only in paid search locations, not in the natural search.75. Try to get your site off link farms (AVOID)
You should never link to a link farm. And while search engines state that they don't discriminate against sites that are linked to from link farms, it's a good idea to try to keep your site off of them, if only to avoid contamination by association.76. Don't link to link farms (AVOID)
Google refers to spamming sites as "bad neighborhoods" and if you link to them, you will end up with a lower PageRank. If you suspect that a site you want to link to is a "bad neighborhood", check their PageRank and see if they commit any obvious SEO no nos. If they do, or you think they might, then you shouldn't link to them.77. Don't create pages of links (AVOID)
Pages of links are boring both for your customers and for search engines. Most search engines value links that are in context and appear related to the page as a whole. Note, however, that many social networking sites (like Digg and del.icio.us) tend to favor pages that are lists of links, so sometimes it can be advantageous to write them anyway, just don't expect them to rank high in search engines.78. Don't link to and from the same site repeatedly (AVOID)
This is also called link spamming. At best, search engines will look at the links you have on your page, and only count the first one or two towards optimization. And at worst, your site might appear to be a spammer, even if you're not linking to a "bad neighborhood" or are in a cross-linking scheme. You want to avoid looking like you are paying for links.79. Don't get into link circles (cross-linking) (AVOID)
When several sites have links set up in a circular (or more complex) pattern (site A links to site B links to site C links to site A), it can look like you're paying for links. Don't assume that because your average customer won't notice the pattern, the search engine won't either. Since search engines give some priority for links, they want to reward "honest" links, or links that are not paid for. If it looks like you might have paid for the links (even if you haven't) your ranking could be penalized slightly.80. Don't have broken links on your site (AVOID)
Broken links make your site look bad, and they imply that you don't manage your site very much. Search engines want to have only the highest quality results, so they may penalize sites with lots of broken links. Use a link checker periodically to make sure that your links are still valid.81. Don't use the meta refresh tag to redirect users (AVOID)
It can be very tempting to set up redirects on your site with the meta refresh tag, but this can be a bad idea. Many spammers use them to try and fool search engines into thinking that a page is about one thing, and then refreshing to something completely different. Meta refresh also doesn't give information to the search engine about why the redirect is occurring. It's much better to set up a permanent HTTP 301 redirect when you need to redirect your customers to a new URL.82. Don't use 302 redirects (AVOID)
A HTTP 302 server redirect is supposed to be used when a page is only temporarily moved from one location to another on a server. Spammers use 302 redirects because that gives them many more URLs to the same final page and thus many more ways to get to that page.The only time you should use a 302 redirect is if you have ugly URLs with lots of parameters on them. The 302 redirect tells the search engine that this is not a permanent redirect, but rather an alternate URL. For all other redirects you should use a 301 redirect instead.
83. Don't make constant minor changes to content (AVOID)
While you want search engines to see that you update your content, making minor changes (like correcting spelling errors, or changing 10 or 20 characters) implies that you're just trying to get the updated date changed. This looks like you're trying to fool the search engines into thinking that you update your pages more than you actually do.Do spend time updating your pages, but make the updates substantive.
84. Don't separate content artificially (AVOID)
Don't display different content based on IP, browser type or version, operating system or whatever. This is very tempting for most Web designers, as it's a way to show you know how to write JavaScript or another programming language. But it can look like you're trying to trick the search engine - showing it something other than you show your readers.If you really must display alternate content based on some artificial measure, create separate Web pages for each, rather than using the same URL for all the content. Or, keep the content that is different as minimal as possible, don't build an entire new site for each IP or browser type.
85. Don't violate copyright or other laws (AVOID)
Most search engines have terms of service that ban sites that break the law. Copyright infringement is the easiest way to break the law on the Web. Don't assume that because something was posted to the Web it is legal for you to reprint it, get permission or link to the article instead of copying it. Search engines will ban your site if you regularly steal content or break other laws.86. Don't duplicate content on your site (AVOID)
One trick that spammers like to use is to create one page and then post it in numerous locations, both on one domain and on others. The idea is that if there are enough copies of the page, it will get seen by more people. But search engines don't like duplicate content as it's a waste of space on their servers and does not provide good information to their customers. If a search engine suspects your site is spamming them with multiple copies, your site could be banned.87. Don't use robots.txt to ban large portions of your site (AVOID)
In general, using a robots.txt file to keep certain areas of your site off-limits to spiders can be a good idea. But if you ban significant portions of your site (more than half), search engine spiders may mark your site as "forbidden" in general and simply stop spidering your site as often. And if your site is spidered less often, fewer pages will be added to the directory and updated in rank.88. Don't write bad or incorrect HTML (AVOID)
Most search engines don't deliberately discriminate against badly coded pages, but if the spider can't read the page because the HTML is bad, then it won't get indexed. Make sure that you validate your HTML regularly and that any issues there are don't affect the page being viewed by a simple user-agent or screen reader.89. Don't use frames (AVOID)
Frames and search engines are not a good combination. While search engines are getting much better at reading framed websites, they still don't tend to rank as well as non-framed sites. And even if you get decent ranking, you might not get the clicks because the search engine doesn't know what to display as a title or description of your page.Continue Read Page 4
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